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Growing Faith

a t   A T O N E M E N T

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”                         – Matthew 19:14


Jesus cares about children.   He made time to lift them up and let them know that they are loved by God.  Kids are also an important part of the life of our church family here at Atonement.  We want them all to feel loved and valued by our whole congregation.  We want to offer families with children a full course of events and opportunities for them to have fun, grow friendships, and grow in faith. 


Growth in faith starts with WORSHIP. 

Children are welcome in worship at all our worship services. 

Our Christian Education program is coordinated by professional teacher Julie Kaufmann. 

It begins with our 11am Sunday Contemporary service,

which features weekly “CHILDREN’S MOMENTS,” stories or “mini-sermons” just for kids. 

For families with infants, we also offer a “CARING ROOM”

where parents can sit with their young ones in case they get fussy. 

The Caring Room has toys, rocking chairs and a window looking into the sanctuary,

as well as speakers allowing you to hear the service. 

Sunday School
(11am service)


Following the Children’s Moment, children are welcome

to attend SUNDAY SCHOOL, which runs during

the “adult” sermon time at the 11am service. 

We currently have two classes – one for children

grade 5 and younger, and another for grade 6

and older, taught by our youth leader. 

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As Christians in the Lutheran tradition, we offer BAPTISM

to all ages - infants, children, or adults.   Baptism is a sign

that Jesus Christ has died for us and claims us as his own.

We see it as the beginning of our walk with Christ, providing

access to the forgiveness of sins and God’s Holy Spirit.

When you are baptized at Atonement, you become a

member of our congregation and the wider family of all

Christians.  Contact the Church Office if you are interested

in baptism for you or a family member.

Even infants can receive baptism, which marks them as part

of God’s family of faith - the “holy, catholic church” consisting

of all believing Christians.  Each family that brings a child for

baptism commits to raise them up in the faith, to bring them

to worship, to teach them to pray and serve God and others,

and to help them understand the basics of the faith.  If that

sounds like a tall order, just remember --  we are here to

help!  As your family of faith, we at Atonement are here to

stand by you and help you raise your children to live out their


Couple with Daughter

Living Our Baptisms

Faith Formation

We are here to provide you with a caring,

praying community of support and Faith

Formation for each stage of your child’s

growth.  In addition to Sunday School, that


elementary aged children, FIRST

COMMUNION instruction, usually for children

around fourth grade, CONFIRMATION

instruction on the “basics” of the faith for

middle schoolers, and YOUTH GROUP. 

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Vacation Bible School

Our typical Vacation Bible School is a week-long “Day Camp”

program led by trained camp counselors from Luther Springs

camp (see below).  There may be a charge, but this is kept to

a minimum thanks to scholarships provided by members of

Atonement.  The counselors bring with them unique crafts,

songs, games and Bible lessons gathered around a different

theme each year. 

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First Communion

Our First Communion program includes an evening workshop led by Pastor Scott

on a Wednesday in the season of Lent.  Candidates learn about the Sacraments and the background behind each of the terms for Holy Communion (Eucharist, Lord’s Supper, and Communion). 

The candidates also decorate their own Communion goblet, which they get to use for their first communion and take home with them afterwards.  First Communions are scheduled to take place each year at the evening service on Maundy Thursday. 

If your child is younger than fourth grade but you feel they may be ready

to begin taking communion, contact Pastor Scott.

Confirmation is a two-year program, typically for 7th and

8th graders, led by Pastor Scott with help from volunteers. 

The program centers around bi-weekly meetings with

discussions, Bible readings, music, games, and regular

sharing of “highs and lows” for the week.  Each year we

cover major sections of Martin Luther’s Small Catechism,

the children read through a graphic novel version of a

whole book of the New Testament (The Gospel of Luke

and the Book of Acts), and they finish the year with a

“faith project” which they present in worship just before the summer break. 


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Teenage Group

Youth Group

Children in 6th grade or older automatically become

part of our Atonement Youth Group.  Our adult

youth leader organizes and leads events, service

projects, fun outings, and youth meetings.  Youth at

Atonement are encouraged to get involved in

helping others at church and in the community. 

Special seats on the church council are reserved

for a youth member (confirmed-18 years old) and a

young adult (18-30). 

Youth and Family Ministries

Atonement offers many events for youth and their

families to enjoy. They are encouraged to be part of

Atonement’s annual LIVE NATIVITY, a live depiction of

the Christmas story straight from the New Testament. 

We also promote the many faith-building and fellowship

events at Luther Springs Camp north of Ocala, and have

sponsored family outings to Luther Springs.  Local

events like Winter Jam in Tampa or Rock the Universe

at Universal theme park in Orlando offer fun ways

to get acquainted with current Christian music. 

High School youth are also eligible to attend the amazing

ELCA National Youth Gathering, held once every 3 years

in a major US city.  We have also sponsored various mission trips for youth and for whole families

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Atonement also supports scouting.  Scouting is a great way

to bring youth together to help them build character and a

variety of life skills.  We charter two scout groups – Cub

Scout Pack 148 and Boy Scout Troop 2We also host Girl

Scout Troop #1208.  If you’d like information about how your

kids can join one of these scouting groups,

call the church office.

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Atonement Lutheran Church 

29617 Wesley Chapel Blvd.  

Wesley Chapel, FL 33543



Click for Map and Directions 


Sunday Worship 

9:30am Service

11:00am Family Service

 w/Sunday School & Adult Bible Study

Live Stream @ 9:30 am Service

Communion for both services


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Office Phone:

(813) 973-2211 

Office Hours: ​

Monday- Friday


Please call or email. 

Click to email us

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"Jesus Loves You & So Do We!"
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