Caring Ministries

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God calls us to lovingly care for the physical and spiritual needs of others.
Caring Ministry is God's love in action
The Caring Ministry Team offers supportive services to those in need and provides an opportunity for people to live their faith by serving others. Through friendship and practical support, Caring Ministry volunteers function as extended family members, doing a broad range of hands-on activities and tasks.
Nursing Home, Hospital and Home Visitation
Support for Caregivers
Food Distribution and Assistance with Meals
Eucharistic Ministries to provide communion
New Member Shepherds
Prayer Ministries
God Squad is available after each service to those who would like personal prayer
Drive Thru Prayer
Every Friday 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. under the portico
We seek to respond to the various needs of our church family. This interaction with our members during difficult times provides them with a real sense of belonging to our church family.
God calls us to be in relationship with one another. Many of our volunteers develop lasting friendships with those they serve. Those friendships strengthen the Body of Christ. Volunteers also discover that in giving of their time and abilities, their own faith grows.
Caring Ministry volunteers work together to make God's love real through tangible acts of care and support in times of transition, need and celebration.
We invite you to comes to one of our monthly meetings, share your comments and your ideas and, hopefully, decide that you would like to join the Caring Ministry Team. Our meetings are held at church in the Fellowship Hall.