Team Leads:
Laurie Chiaramonte
Salli Conover
Fellowship Ministries

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Fellowship....Many Hearts, Twice as Many Hands
Serve one another in love....Galatians 5:13
The Fellowship Ministry requires many hearts and twice as many hands to complete a recipe for goodness. The ingredients can be simple: assisting with Coffee Hour, setting up tables and chairs, preparing a dish for a potluck or memorial meal, cleanup, or emptying trash. Maybe you enjoy taking pictures, or have a knack for planning special events. Whatever your talent is, we can use your skills. The body of Christ is made up of many people with different skill sets and varying personalities who are in different seasons of life. Together we can do the Lord's work.
During the year, custom cakes are served for New Member Sundays, Confirmation, and commissioning of Deacons. Special events have honored our Pastoral staff, mothers, fathers, and couples renewing vows.
We continually strive to find the "special ingredients" for the Recipe for Goodness! The ingredients begin with YOU! Our ministry welcomes all who desire to cook up some goodness and share the love!