Pastor Scott Lindner came to Atonement in 2006 with his wife Susan and two boys, George and Brian (both are now taller than him). He is a Buckeye from Columbus, Ohio and his wife Susan is from Michigan, but somehow they make it work. Scott plays keyboard and guitar and enjoys all kinds of music, reading, and lame jokes. He believes church should be a place where people of all ages and backgrounds can come discover God's love.
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Pastor Scott was ordained as a pastor in 1991. Before coming to Florida, he served as pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in Vassar, Michigan and St. Paul Lutheran Church in Greenville, Michigan. He has worked with new church starts in Ohio and Michigan, and served as church consultant and chair of the Witness/Evangelism committee for the North/West Lower Michigan Synod, and dean of the Tampa Conference of the Florida/Bahamas Synod of the ELCA. He has served on boards of Big Brothers/Big Sisters and Habitat for Humanity, and has been a regular guest at the Wesley Chapel Relay for Life. He is trained as a Stephen Leader for Stephen's Ministry and a teacher of the Bethel Bible Series.
I remember being a little child all wrapped up in my winter coat and hat, wandering out of sight of my parents' house for the first time. I looked back with an instant feeling of panic, but then something told me to look up...way up into the bright blue sky. When I did, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and well-being. At the time I didn't understand that I was experiencing the presence of God. All I knew was I wasn't alone.
I was baptized by my Uncle Julius in the middle of the Texas desert, As I came to know the Lord Jesus and realize his love for all people, I wanted to help others come to know the same peace that I felt and to experience that same presence. I didn't learn until after I became a pastor that my Great-grandmother Irene had been praying all along that I would be a pastor some day. Guess I never really had a chance!
I believe the Lord is calling to us all, reaching out to help us discover God's love for us and for the world. I believe he is calling to you, and that you are reading this for a reason. I hope you will join us in the joyful work we do here at Atonement -- sharing the love of Jesus, glorifying God, and extending His kingdom!