The chair reupholstering project has begun! Lorraine Reynolds is donating her labor to reupholster our church chairs in preparation for our return to our sanctuary. The project began this week. The first step is to do the backs of the chairs. This entails staple removal. Once removed, Lorraine adds padding before attaching the new fabric. Once the backs are completed, the chairs need to be tightened up before the seats are done.
This week Rose & Charlie Henry, Steve Showers, Pastor Scott, Pastor Brett, and Barb Turner removed staples. At the end of our workday today, Friday March 14th, 48 chairs have new backs.
If you would like to help with this project, please contact Lorraine at (813)992-3606.. Two or three people to remove the staples are needed each day. It is not an easy process. The good thing is that staples will not be removed when reupholstering the seats!! We've been starting at 10 in Friendship Hall.
Check out the project Sunday morning. Meet Lorraine. Perhaps you'll be able to help.