The 2023 Atonement Reformation Dinner was again hosted by the Women of Atonement (WELCA) following the Sunday service to benefit the Al & Bea Bidwell Memorial Scholarship for our graduating seniors. Thank you all who contributed to this successful event! As the attendees were finishing eating, Salli Conover welcomed all and explained what WELCA at Atonement is and does as a chartered chapter of the ELCA. Cotta Ungerer explained how the Al & Bea Bidwell Memorial Scholarship came to be and is supported by WELCA. Pastor Scott explained what the Reformation is about and why we celebrate it. It was noted that Martin & Katie Luther started the first food bank to help others as our Helping Hands Food Pantry continues the tradition on a weekly basis here at Atonement. After the info, the finale was 'The Reformation Polka' under the leadership of our choir director Sally Schaefer. What fun!! (Thank you, Su LIndner & Sally Schaefer for taking photos!!) The link to the Google album is:
